Art Pavilion Burgbrohl

Absurd phenomena of the Real - °4 "Successful failure“

Harry Walter  Lecture 25. September 2020, 19:00

In the context of the since 2016 to be held in lecture and exhibition series "Absurd phenomena of the Real world", had invited the AIM e. V. Harry Walter from Stuttgart to ArtLab in the art pavilion in Burgbrohl. Were presented to the life works of three people, which had begun in the same city and at the same time (in 1978) in order to use a ton of time and energy to model in the midst of the first world, second – and the ways it failed, and this Failure could be part of the future. It was a gigantic, however, remained unfinished, model railway, a completely from the Form of perpetual motion, and an art gallery, the prospects on your public Disappearance.

For more information about Harry Walter

Harry Walter is understood as the author, in the broadest sense. The art is for him the place where the authorship is experiencing today's biggest irritations and thereby also their strongest impulses. Stay means the Chance of the choice of the means according to the question asked align. If multiple genre boundaries are exceeded, this is the logical consequence of the Open imaginary concept of Work. Against the risk of the formal Fragmentation helps his view, only the old-fashioned end of orientation grace of content.

In the dual construction, ABR (the archive of Both directions) is committed to Harry Walter for all the objections, the artists have always been against the "blind" on the one hand, and the "empty" Think on the other hand, have argued.

In addition to the work on the ABR complex, he deals in a variety of human constellations with questions of the "artistic deconstruction" and the "aesthetic compaction". Joint Work with the artists Steffen Bremer, Armin Bremicker, Karin Sander, Georg Winter. As a artistic individual, it occurs with texts, Speeches, and light image presentations in appearance.